Computer Questions for Banking exams
MONDAY, JULY 31, 2017
KEYBOARD SHORTCUTSPress this key | To do this |
F1 | Display Help |
Ctrl+C | Copy the selected item |
Ctrl+X | Cut the selected item |
Ctrl+V | Paste the selected item |
Ctrl+Z | Undo an action |
Ctrl+Y | Redo an action |
Delete | Delete the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin |
Shift+Delete | Delete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin first |
F2 | Rename the selected item |
Ctrl+Right Arrow | Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word |
Ctrl+Left Arrow | Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word |
Ctrl+Down Arrow | Move the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph |
Ctrl+Up Arrow | Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph |
Ctrl+Shift with an arrow key | Select a block of text |
Shift with any arrow key | Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text within a document |
Ctrl with any arrow key+Spacebar | Select multiple individual items in a window or on the desktop |
Ctrl+A | Select all items in a document or window |
F3 | Search for a file or folder |
Alt+Enter | Display properties for the selected item |
Alt+F4 | Close the active item, or exit the active program |
Alt+Spacebar | Open the shortcut menu for the active window |
Ctrl+F4 | Close the active document (in programs that allow you to have multiple documents open simultaneously) |
Alt+Tab | Switch between open items |
Ctrl+Alt+Tab | Use the arrow keys to switch between open items |
Ctrl+Mouse scroll wheel | Change the size of icons on the desktop |
Windows logo key | Cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Aero Flip 3-D |
Ctrl+Windows logo key | Use the arrow keys to cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Aero Flip 3-D |
Alt+Esc | Cycle through items in the order in which they were opened |
F6 | Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop |
F4 | Display the address bar list in Windows Explorer |
Shift+F10 | Display the shortcut menu for the selected item |
Ctrl+Esc | Open the Start menu |
Alt+underlined letter | Display the corresponding menu |
Alt+underlined letter | Perform the menu command (or other underlined command) |
F10 | Activate the menu bar in the active program |
Right Arrow | Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu |
Left Arrow | Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu |
F5 | Refresh the active window |
Alt+Up Arrow | View the folder one level up in Windows Explorer |
Esc | Cancel the current task |
Ctrl+Shift+Esc | Open Task Manager |
Shift when you insert a CD | Prevent the CD from automatically playing |
FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2017
Q1-Which topology is the collection of two or more topologies ?
a- Hybrid b- Tree c- Star d-Bus
Q2- Which topology uses HUB or Switch as a central device ?
a- Star b- Bus c- Mesh d- Hybrid
Q3- In which topology terminator is used ?
a- Star b- Mesh c- Ring d- Bus
Q4- In which topology only one computer's data is transfered at a time. And there is no chances of collison in network .
a- Star b- Ring c- Mesh d- Tree
Q5- Which topology works on full duplex?
a- Bus b- Ring c- Dual ring d- Star (switch)
Q6- When multiple stars are connected to a single point to communicate to each other, This topology is known as-
a- Ring b- Mesh c- Tree d- Hybrid
Q7- In which topology Token is used to give priority to specific device. Only a host which has token , can send data in network.
a- Mesh b- Star c- Ring d- Hybrid
Q8- In which topology all devices are connected to each other by a dedicated cable. And no central device is used .
a- Star b- Mesh c- Hybrid d- Tree
Q9- This is a network toplogy which uses Multistation Access Unit as a central device.
a- Mesh b- Hybrid c- Tree d- Ring
Q10- Which topology has a backup path . When first path gets fail then second path gets active ?
a- Dual Ring b- Tree c- Hybrid d- Star
1 -a
There are many way to write a number. Basically we read and write any number in decimal number system but . In many places some other number systems are used. When we configure IP address in our computer, We need to understand it in binary. and when we need to know more about MAC address or IP v6 we need to know about hexadecimal number system.
Some number systems are-
Decimal Number system -(0123456789) In decimal number system total numbers are 10 . We write any number using these ten numbers.
Binary Number System - (01) There is only two numbers in binary number system. It's base is 2
Octal Number System - (01234567) There is eight numbers in octal number .
Hexadecimal Number System- (0123456789ABCDEF) In hexadecimal number ,there are 16 numbers.
In banking exams number conversions are asked.
Examples- Decimal to binary .
Rule- 1-We divide given number by 2 until last number is 1 or 0 .
2-Answer is written from bottom to top
3-Last number will also be added to answer
1- (255)= ( ) 2- (4125)= ( )
Examples- binary to Decimal
Rules- 1- Write the place value of all numbers
2- Start from right side
3 - First number will be 1
4- In binary place values are- 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024
5- Write all number's place value and add them at last , That will be answer.
1- (1110010)= ( 226 )
2- (101010101) = (341)
Decimal to hexadecimal-
(515)= ( 203 )
(511)= (1FF)Hexadecimal to Decimal-
(203)= (515)
(1FF)= (511)
Questions for banking
1. Data Dictionary contains?
a) Data about data (Meta Data)
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Networks
e) None of the above
2. ____________terminals (formerly known as cash registers) are often connected to complex inventory and sales computer systems.
a) Data
b) Point-of-sale (POS)
c) Sales
d) Query
e) Graph
3. The uniform resource locator (URL) is case sensitive in the ____.
a) Protocol
b) Authority
c) Directory
d) Type
e) None of the above
4. Who designed the first electronic computer - ENIAC?
a) Van Neuman
b) John Mauchly
c) J presper Eckert
d) Both (b) and (c)
e) None of the above
5. Which of the following is not a network?
a) LAN
b) MAN
d) All are networks
e) None of the above
6. Who invented Computer Mouse?
a) Ada Lovelace
b) John Mauchly
c) Charles Babbage
d) Van Neuman
e) Douglas Engelbart
7. Which type of printer prints by selectively unchanging static electricity from spots on a metal drum?
a) Plotter
b) Dot-matrix printer
c) Laser printer
d) Ink-jet printer
e) None of the above
8. ___________software allows the user to speak into the computer rather than type in text.
a) Message
c) Speech recognition
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
9. What does the XP stand for in Windows XP?
a) Exponential
b) Experience
c) Expertise
d) Exchange
e) None of the above
10. Word processing, spreadsheet, and photo-editing are examples of________.
a) application software
b) system software
c) operating system software
d) platform software
e) none of the above
1- Which is not an Operating system ?
a- windows 7 b- fedora c- Photoshop d- Ubuntu
2- How many bit an IP address contains.
a- 64 b- 32 c- 48 d-16
3- BIOS stands for-
a- Basic Input Output Setting b- Beginer Input Output System
c- Basic Input Output System d-Basic Incoming outgoing System
4- Which is not a input device ?
a- Barcode reader b- Scanner c- pendrive d- mouse
5- Which is not a part of CPU ?
a- Cache memory b- ALU c- CU d- kernal
6- Which is not a storade device ?
a- Digitel audio tape b- Modem c- floppy d- DVD
7- Which protocol is responsible for sending emails?
a- POP3 b- RDP c- SMTP d-IP
Q8- How many layers are in OSI model ?
a- 4 b-5 c-6 d-7
Q9- Which layer is responsible for framing ?
a- Data link layer b- Network Layer c- Physical Layer d- Transport Layer
Q10-How many bit a MAC address contains ?
a- 32 b-48 c-64 d-128