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concept of switch configuration

Cisco Switch configuration
There are four method for configuration of Switch.
1.       CLI (Command line interface i.e.; console)
2.       Telnet
3.       SSH (Secure Shell)
4.        GUI (Graphic User Interface)
Cisco IOS CLI Mode (Router and Switches)
The Cisco IOS Command-Line interface (CLI) is a user interface used for configuration and monitoring Cisco devices. The interface allows you to execute Cisco IOS commands. Different modes and command are as follows:
1.       Switch>: This is user mode
This is the first mode after logging in to the switch. Only basic commands can be executed.
Ex.: ping, enable
2.       Switch>enable
It then enters in to the privileged mode
3.       Switch#: This is privileged mode
This mode is allowing verification of the configuration, reloading and erasing of the configuration.
BUT there is no privilege to modify the configuration. A global configuration mode is required for modification.
The commands that can be executed are show, Reload, erase, save, clock, copy, ping, password, tracert, etc.
Then enter:
4.       Switch#config terminal: This command will now you into:
5.       Switch(config)#: Global configuration mode
All configuration commands should be given in this mode. This helps to modify or create new configuration.
The commands like VLAN, VTP, STP, trunking, password, telnet, SSH, Ip addressing.

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